Showing posts from 2019
piccolo and piano piccolo flute music flautin Klavier MALAMBO Miguel del...
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Felicitaciones #Zephyrus por la incitación al #FestivalInternacional #Cervantino y gracias por la excelente ejecución de mi #QuintetodeVientosNo.2 #WindQuintetNo.2 | Congratulations Ensemble Zephyrus for the great concert at Festival Cervantino last week and thanks for a great performance of my Wind Quintet No.2
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This Monday October 21, 7:30pm: #MigueldelAguila’s #TangoTrio in #SanAntonio by #OlmosEnsemble. Prgram includes works by Villa-Lobos, Granados, Piazzolla. Performs: Christopher Guzman, #piano Eric Gratz, #violin Ilya Shterenberg, #clarinet. Info/tickets: | Este Lunes Olmos Ensemble presenta Tango Trio de Miguel del Aguila en San Antonio, Texas
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Congratulations #EntreQuatre for a great concert at #GauFestival in #Pretoria! The concert concluded with the first South African performance of my #guitarquartet: #PrestoaCuatro. | Felicitaciones Entrequatre por el excelente concierto en el GauFestival en Pretoria! El programa cerró con la primera audición sudafricana de mi cuarteto de guitarras: Presto a Cuatro!
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clarinet quartet cuarteto de clarinetes Klarinettenquartett quatuor de clarinette квартет кларнета quartetto di clarinetti クラリネットカルテット 클라리넷 사중주 單簧管四重奏 four clarinets music Miguel del AguilaTransoceanica Garrick Zoeter UFRN Brazil american music composer classical contemporary compositor latinoamericano latin Grammy
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Back in #Seattle after a weekend of great music at #ArchipelagoCollective #ChamberMusicFestival in #SanJuanIsland. The premiere performance of the new #bassoon chamber version of #SalonBuenosAires sounded great! Thanks Dana Jackson, Sophie Baird-Daniel, Alex Grimes, Mira Magrill, Francesca McNeeley, Domenic Salerni and MichaelSmith for a great performance
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#ChrysalisTrio's 2019 #Australia tour is taking my #Submerged through Australia. Tomorrow Friday 9/6 7pm at Mt Gambier: Following performances: 30 November 2pm - # Yass/#CanberraInternationalMusicFestival 1 December 3pm - #SouthCoastMusicSociety, #Batehaven, NSW Congratulations and my best wishes to Chrysalis members Melina van Leeuwen, Kiran Phatak, Katie Yap
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Congratulations #EntreQuatre #GuitarQuartet for the successful #ChinaTour. Thanks for chosing #PrestoaCuatro to end each concert! | Felicitaciones Entrequatre por la exitosa gira por China, gracias por presentar mi Presto a Cuatro al final de cada concierto - - Entrequatre: #CarmenCuello #ManuelPaz #JesusPrieto #CarlosCuanda - concerts: JuMengxiang Theatre, Chengdu - Nali Patio Courtyard, Beijing - Canton Club, Canton - Foshan Opera House, Foshan
Cuarteto de guitarras guitar quartet Gitarrenquartett PRESTO Miguel de A...
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