Op.124 just finished! | Op.124 terminado! - #INVISIBLES, a new major work for solo piano inspired by a poem by #AntonioMachado and about the victims of conflict and persecution. It premieres in August at #TalisFestival in #Sarajevo. Thank you Natsuki Fukasawa for the idea for this work and for organizing this commission. I look forward to your premiere! Thank you co-commissioners for your support and for making this piece happen. You are all an example and inspiration for all pianists to follow: Ann Harriman, Jennifer Reason, #Citywater, #MichaelRickman and #LinoRivera. - Writing this work made me seat at the piano again (Something I hadn't done since mom passed away 2017), and in many ways her very political views and great compassion for those who suffered or were less fortunate, was also an inspiration; gracias mamá! Thanks Scott Lowe for your patience during the time I "checked out" to compose. #INVISIBLES, inspirado en un poema de #AntonioMac...