🎉 Get ready for some seriously cool #performances of my music this August! 🎉 From #KennedyCenter DC to Music in the Vineyards CA, San Antonio TX and Mumbai, India:

SUBMERGED by Lynx Trio – Dive into an incredible performance at St. Luke’s United Church, Houston. 8/1/2024

🎵 NEW WORKS FOR FLUTE PREMIERES – April Clayton & Miguel del Aguila are unveiling #new #compositions at the NFAC #nationalfluteassociationconvention2024, González Convention Center, #SanAntonio. 8/1/2024

🎷 SUBMERGED by Lynx Trio – Catch this captivating performance again at #NFAC in San Antonio! 8/1/2024

🎼 MIAMI FLUTE SUITE – Enjoy Mafer Guglielmina's beautiful musicality at NFAC! 8/1/2024

📝 The Art and Craft of Composing for the Flute – Join Miguel del Aguila & panel at NFAC. 8/2/2024

🌟 ABSENT LIGHTS – A mesmerizing performance by Emily Tsai, Johanna Nowik, and Charles Nilles at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington DC on 8/3/2024.

🍷 SALON BUENOS AIRES – Enjoy a musical evening at the Louis M. Martini Winery, Santa Helena CA on 8/3/2024.

🌍 CLOCKS – Experience Con Brio Music Festival Ensemble at the National Center for Performing Arts, Mumbai India on 8/26/2024.

Mark your calendars and don’t miss out! Info: https://migueldelaguila.com/events-concerts-performances

#LiveMusic #Concerts #Flute #MusicEvents #MigueldelAguila #August #2024
#KennedyCenter #OperaHouseOrchestra #KennedyCenterforthePerformingArts #WashingtonDC #AbsentLights #EmilyTsai
#JohannaNowik #CharlesNilles #composer #music #classicalmusic #performances #livemusic #chambermusic #contemporary #americancomposers #NationalFluteAssociation #NFA #Convention #MusicintheVineyards #California #ConBrioMusicFestival #Mumbai #India #Submerged #TorrentialRaindance #PianoRollsFlute #Malambo #AprilClayton



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