Hey everyone! I’m so excited to share some March 2025 performances of my works around the world this March! 🎶🌍 Check out the dates and join me and these amazing musicians.

🗓 3/9/2025
Sunset Song
Midori Samson, bassoon | Priscilla Navarro, piano
Swarthout Recital Hall, University of Kansas, School of Music, Lawrence, KS

🗓 3/11/2025
Arioso Furioso Trio
Conservatorio di Musica di Vicenza A. Pedrollo, Vicenza, Italy

🗓 3/15/2025
Ave Maria
Chora Nova Choir | John Kendall, conductor
First Church Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

🗓 3/20/2025
Blue Samba & Pianola Rebelde
Powers-De La Torre Piano Duo
Society for American Music 2025 Convention, Tacoma, WA

🗓 3/26/2025
Trio Becel
Flagey – Place Sainte-Croix, Brussels, Belgium

🗓 3/27/2025
Camarada | Mingei Concert Series
Mingei International Museum, San Diego, CA

🗓 3/28/2025
Rajhans Harp Duo (Catherine Rajhans/Elizabeth Rajhans)
Queen’s House – Great Hall, Royal Museum Greenwich, London, UK

🗓 3/29/2025
Caribeña – for orchestra
Stratus Chamber Orchestra | Adam Torres, conductor | Kim Robards Dance Theater
Denver, CO

🗓 3/30/2025
Ensemble Melba
Temple St-Paul, Villeneuve, Switzerland

Can’t wait to share these moments with you all! 🎶️ www.migueldelaguila.com

#MigueldelAguila #ContemporaryMusic #AmericanComposer #LiveMusic #March2025 #SunsetSong #Herbsttag #AriosoFurioso #Trio #ConservatorioDiMusica #DiVicenza #Italy #AveMaria #ChoraNova #ChoralMusic #BlueSamba #PianolaRebelde #SocietyforAmericanMusic2025Convention #TrioBecel #Flagey #Brussels #Belgium #Camarada #Mingei #Rajhans #HarpDuo #QueensHouse #RoyalMuseum #Greenwich #London #UK #CARIBEÑA #Stratus #Chamber #Orchestra #AdamTorres #KimRobardsDanceTheater #Denver #DISAGREE #EnsembleMelba #Villeneuve #Switzerland



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